There’s no such thing as a stupid question

Two unattended glasses in a bar

In all honesty, this post should have been titled, “What I learned from working in a night club”. I genuinely believe that there are no stupid questions, only lazy people. I’ll explain. When I was at university I got a job at the local nightclub. Funnily enough it was the second nightclub I had ever […]

Go from Freelancer to CEO in three easy steps

A seamstress and a client in conversation

Tom Peters said it best when he said I want to be the CEO of Me Inc. Who else could possibly do me better than I can? Working with a client on her launch recently I had the misfortune of installing software to the wrong folder of her live website. Not a big deal. I […]

Is it too late to start again

Unfinished knitting project - a half knitted beanie hat in taupe yarn

In knitting when something goes wrong, knitters have three options… Start again, Frog it, or ignore it. How the knitter decides to proceed once they’ve discovered the problem depends on three factors: How far they are into the project Who the project is for How bad the error is I knit. I also build websites. […]